Most people must deal with moving or relocating at least once in their lifetime, and at the very beginning of the process many feel completely overwhelmed by the prospect of packing up everything they own and hauling it to a new location.
Packing isn’t as difficult as it may seem however, especially if enough time and planning are dedicated to the process. Many people find a six to eight week timetable adequate to the needs of packing a family home.
Beginning the Packing Process - Roughly six to eight weeks before moving day begin to inventory the home. This should take only a few hours, or a couple of evenings, and must include a list of those items..... read more
Begin Packing - Most people find that packing their possessions in a “room by room” manner is the most successful. This is where an inventory will come in helpful as it will indicate..... read more
Odd Sizes or Objects
When packing items such as framed pictures, it is best to wrap
them in newsprint and pack them in an upright position, fitted
snugly in the box..... read
Special Packing Considerations
o Packing electronics can involve some special efforts. For example,
computer equipment requires special preparation of the data before packing.
This is to ensure against..... read
Helpful Packing Hints
Create several boxes that are intended to be loaded last and
unloaded first, or provide each family member with an “essentials”
box. These will normally need to contain..... read
Following the tips above can help to make packing a bit less stressful and a great deal more efficient. Moving is never an easy task, but some planning and organization can certainly make a much more simplified process.