Moving Day Countdown - Weeks Eight to Six Before Moving Day

With approximately two months to moving day some of the most important decisions and plans must be set in place. This is when the real “organization” begins!

• Make a “Master” binder or notebook for all of the developing plans or checklists, this will serve as a major tool for the coming weeks of work and will really help to prevent anything from slipping through the cracks!

• Inventory the entire household, including all of the items that will be moved, and even listing all of those that will be discarded, sold or given away. This inventory will help to accurately figure the number of packing supplies and boxes required to complete the move. This inventory will also come in very handy if a professional moving service is hired.


• It might be a good idea to take pictures of all the items you're planning to move for insurance purpuse in case of damage.

• Order or obtain all the required moving supplies, including a small amount of supplementary materials, “just in case”.

• Determine whether or not professional moving assistance will be used for the moving or relocating operation. If so, they should be contacted for quotes no later than eight weeks before the move is scheduled.

• Begin gathering and setting aside all important documents and records. This includes everything from all account statements to prescriptions and even wills. It is frequently difficult to access file cabinets or paperwork in the middle of packing and moving, and so it is necessary to gather everything of importance. Many movers suggest the purchase of a plastic file box to contain and transport critical documents. This is also the time to collect health and medical records as well as all necessary school documents which should be kept easily accessible.

• Develop a “change of address” list for all vendors, accounts and others who will need to know of the relocation and the new mailing information.

Weeks Eight to Six Before Moving Day

Weeks Five to Four Before Moving Day

Weeks Three to Two Before Moving Day

The Final Weeks Before Moving Day

Moving Day