Phew! Moving day has come and gone and now you and family are surrounded by boxes and a great deal of work ahead! For the first evening in a new home it is important to reduce the stress of the experience by simply resting. If adequate preparations have been made, in the form of “essentials” boxes, then there is very little to do on this first night.
What are “essentials” boxes? Moving industry experts recommend that each member of the family take the weeks leading up to a move to fill a box or plastic storage tub with items “essential” to their daily life. There are no standard items, but basically most should include a change of clothing and regular pajamas, toiletries, a towel, bed linens, favorite toys or electronic gadgets, and any other things that will be needed at the end of the moving day.
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Most families simply make their beds and find something to eat. Because the area may be new it is a good idea to do some advanced planning about the first few meals in the new home, and the first night is a great opportunity for a “take out night”.
Before heading to bed on that first evening however, the adults of the household should check doors and window locks, and also take a quick look at any appliances that were part of the relocation. They should just be checked for leaks or damages that could cause problems.
The next day’s “to do” list should include:
• Performing a comprehensive examination of all items that were
insured during the move, or at least the larger items that can be easily
examined for damages. This is the time to begin making a list of any
issues to be addressed with the moving company.
• Unpacking the children’s rooms – even if they will still need paint and decoration, most family's find that settling the children into their new spaces first is the best method of ensuring peace in the house.
• Check all documents and critical paperwork that came along on moving day. Setting up an organized space will be important over the next few weeks.
After the first day most people will simply focus on unpacking
and “settling in” and there really is no “standard”
procedure around this. There are other tasks, however, that must be
accomplished in the weeks following the relocation. These include:
• Visiting the local Department of Motor Vehicles to change addresses,
licenses and vehicle registrations if necessary. It is also the perfect
time to register to vote in the new town or city.
• Check that the change of address through the post office has taken affect and that mail delivery is due to begin.
• Visit the local library and register each family member for a card.
• Take a day to visit the new insurance agent, bank and any other professionals that will be handling personal information or finances. This is also a great time to meet doctors and veterinarians and discover how to get to their offices quickly.
• Introduce yourself to neighbors. Sadly, the days of the proverbial “welcome wagon” seem to be at an end and most newcomers will have to make the effort of meeting their neighbors themselves. This can also make a new homeowner aware of any community activities or information.
• Purchase a subscription to a local or daily newspaper
in order to get a clear picture of all the events and activities in
the new town or city.