We rely on our household and personal electronics a great deal more than we might realize. From our toothbrushes and hair dryers to our laptops and MP3 players we each use electricity throughout the day. When planning to move overseas many of the “standard” electrical items we have come to rely on will require adapters in order to function with the various plugs and receptacles used in the country that is the final destination.
The real issue about using our electronics in a new country comes when voltage is considered. Not all countries operate on the same flows of voltage, which can affectively destroy some electrical items. Many of the most popular items, including televisions, computers, and DVD players can work on a variety of ranges, and most have this information printed in their literature or attached to tags on their electrical cords.
Many people wonder if they will be able to bring all of their electronics overseas. Unfortunately the answer to that question is, “not really”. Such “everyday” goods like hair dryers tend to be too particular about their voltage, and may need to be replaced once settled in the new overseas location. Though televisions function on the voltage, their ability to receive certain signals may make them ineffective in a foreign location, and most VCRs in the United States cannot work in many foreign locations, including Great Britain. For this reason it is best to make a comprehensive investigation about each item to be shipped.
It really pays to do some research about the compatibility of household electronics before taking the time to adequately pack them, and then spending the money on shipping them abroad. There are several websites dedicated to explanations about overseas and world wide electrical systems, and the “World Electric Guide” is one of the clearest and easiest to use. It lists all countries in the world and the voltage, frequency and plugs that are used in each. This is very helpful when determining which appliances and electrical objects will make the transition.
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Once the goods to be packed and shipped are identified it is important to consider the additional expenses associated with bringing them overseas. For example, most countries will require the household goods to clear customs, and some objects may end up with a duty levied against their “importation”. Additionally, many electrical items are of considerable weight, and will require special preparation for transportation in order to prevent damages from occurring. This can all add up to the same amount as purchasing a new item once settled into the new home.
After determining which electronic items will be worth the trouble of shipping overseas, it is necessary to address the purchase of a proper number of converters that will enable them to operate safely in the new country. Because there are more than a dozen types of plugs, it will be necessary to do some research to identify those required for the new country.
There are many manufacturers making adaptors available for
purchase, and it is advisable to find out which are considered
the most reliable and durable. It might also be a good idea
to purchase an adaptor for each outlet or each item in the home,
since swapping a single adaptor each time an electrical item
is used can become tiresome and place unnecessary wear on the
adaptor itself.
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